# Net::EANSearch A Perl module for EAN and ISBN lookup and validation using the API on https://www.ean-search.org You can - lookup an EAN - lookup an ISBN (ISBN-10 or ISBN-13) - search for products by name or keyword (eg. to find the EAN) - search a product category by name or key word - search for all EANs with a certain prefix - verify if an EAN or ISBN-13 is valid - lookup the country wehere an EAN was issued - generate PNG barcode images # INSTALLATION Install from CPAN ```sh cpan -i Net::EANSearch ``` Or do a manual install by typing the following: ```sh perl Makefile.PL make make test make install ``` # DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other Perl modules: - WWW::Curl::Easy - JSON - URL::Encode - MIME::Base64 # COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2024 by Relaxed Communications GmbH (info@relaxedcommunications.com) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.30.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. # EXAMPLE ```perl #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Net::EANSearch; my $API_TOKEN = $ENV{EAN_SEARCH_API_TOKEN}; my $eansearch = Net::EANSearch->new($API_TOKEN); my $ean = '5099750442227'; my $isbn = '1119578884'; my $product = $eansearch->barcodeLookup($ean); if (!defined($product)) { print "No product found for EAN $ean\n"; } else { print "EAN $ean is $product->{name}\n"; } my $book = $eansearch->isbnLookup($isbn); if (!defined($book)) { print "No book found for ISBN $isbn\n"; } else { print "ISBN $isbn is ISBN-13 $book->{ean} : $book->{name}\n"; } my @product_list; @product_list = $eansearch->barcodePrefixSearch('885909', $Net::EANSearch::ENGLISH); foreach my $p (@product_list) { print "EAN $p->{ean} is $p->{name}\n"; } my $page = 0; do { $page++; @product_list = $eansearch->productSearch('Bananaboat', $Net::EANSearch::ALL_LANGUAGES, $page); foreach my $p (@product_list) { print "EAN $p->{ean} is $p->{name}\n"; } } while (@product_list == 10); my @book_list = $eansearch->categorySearch(15, 'iphone'); foreach my $p (@book_list) { print "$p->{ean} is $p->{name}\n"; } my $country = $eansearch->issuingCountry($ean); print "Issuing country for EAN $ean is $country\n"; my $img = $eansearch->barcodeImage($ean); #print "Image for EAN $ean is $img\n"; my $ok = $eansearch->verifyChecksum($ean); print "EAN $ean is " . ($ok ? 'valid' : 'invalid') . "\n"; $ean = '1234567890123'; $ok = $eansearch->verifyChecksum($ean); print "EAN $ean is " . ($ok ? 'valid' : 'invalid') . "\n"; ```