CHANGES IN VERSION 1.10.11 (04 April 2019) -------------------------------------------- + update NEWS format CHANGES IN VERSION 1.10.1 (22 February 2019) ------------------------ o Change the address of cgdsr: instead CHANGES IN VERSION 1.9.07 (04 September 2018) ------------------------ o replace DOSE::dotplot by clusterProfiler::dotplot o replace r_data by r_info in reports o not need to define genelist in r_data o update ReactomeFI.RDS file (version 2017) o update DisGeNet0918.RDS file (version September 2018), move it from to github/kmezhoud CHANGES IN VERSION 1.9.06 (30 August 2018) ------------------------ o rm warning message for min and max functions o run getFreqMutData() when getListProfData() instead getCoffeeWheel_Mut(). Avoid error when loading x profiles data to workspace. o include Tools panel into Workspace panel. o update Overview image CHANGES IN VERSION 1.9.05 (25 August 2018) ------------------------ o r_data vs r_info ... o use r_info for dataset list and r_data for genes list o set progress bar CHANGES IN VERSION 1.9.04 (22 August 2018) ------------------------ o add style.css file: raduce padding-top to 0px CHANGES IN VERSION 1.9.03 (16 August 2018) ------------------------ o modify stop function o update paste gene list function CHANGES IN VERSION 1.9.02 (16 August 2018) ------------------------ o upload and download using Rstudio file browser remove plot_downloader function and replace it by download_link (defined in radiant.R file) o add radiant_old.R file for needed functions but not longer used by CHANGES IN VERSION 1.9.01 (12 August 2018) ------------------------ o replace getdata() by get_data() o replace factorizer() by lapply(.,factor) CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.05 (12 April 2018) ------------------------ o omit importFrom clusterProfiler plot CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.04 (20 November 2017) ------------------------ o export Diagrammer and viNetwork to report o reset image size of circomics to 1024px CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.03 (20 November 2017) ------------------------ o Save network widgets as HTML and png o use swithc buttom for Networking Tab. o setwd(~)/ for windows system by setwd(Sys.getenv("R_USER")) CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.02 (14 November 2017) ------------------------ o resolve conflicts renderMetabologram and renderCoffeewheel. redefine initCoffeewhell in /htmlwidges o report circomics widget to markdown document o Save static wheel as html and png (low resolution) o need phantomJS to catupe html widget output as png file CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.01 (13 November 2017) ------------------------ o add helps to ? menu o change stop message o addResourcePath for figures CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.00 (30 October 2017) ------------------------ metamorphosis: bioCancer is a extension reduce size of package by half 14 -> 7 mb CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.12 (16 October 2017) ------------------------ improve Reactome_ui functions CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.11 (16 October 2017) ------------------------ add switch button to ui_circomics improve circomics functions CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.09 (08 September 2017) ------------------------ delete commented files and figures CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.09 (07 September 2017) ------------------------ cleanup ui_radiant, /Rbis, /quant, /bioCancer CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.08 (1 September 2017) ------------------------ switchButton CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.07 (1 September 2017) ------------------------ data.row.names(row.names, rowsi, i) : some row.names duplicated: 11,12,13,14 --> row.names NOT used CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.06 (1 September 2017) ------------------------ dplyr::mutate_each() is deprecated dply::summarise_each() is deprecated replace BiocStyle by prettydoc CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.05 (1 September 2017) ------------------------ Warning in formals(fun) : argument is not a function Warning in body(fun) : argument is not a function CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.04 (02 July 2017) ------------------------ Fix setting plot size CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.03 (31 May 2017) ------------------------ Change the color rang of Circular layout plot as in standards CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.02 (30 May 2017) ------------------------ update Correlation Methods CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.01 (29 May 2017) ------------------------ replace .libPath() by path.package('bioCancer') in portal.R file CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.16 (03 January 2017) ------------------------ o update documents CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.13 (28 December 2016) ------------------------ o Reactome tab update CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.12 (27 December 2016) ------------------------ o Simplify genes classification CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.10 (25 December 2016) ------------------------ o clarify interface: Pipeline Overview o remove Cluster and Factor Menus CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.07 (14 December 2016) ------------------------ o add argument to whichGeneLits(input$GeneListID) o Use the SUM of mutation cases and NOT SUM/TOTAL_SUM (ratio) o replace dplyr::add_rownames() by tibble::rownames_to_column() o replace stopping process (stop function) by warning message. stop function disconnect session in server version. o resolve error message when Gene list is empty (paste empty gene list). getListProfData, getFreqMutData, ProfData, MutData, Classifier, geNetClassifier, Circomics_ui, getCircomics, Reactome_ui. o Make it possible to get Circomics only for one study. Essentially resolve data structure in processing of mutation data frame. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.03 (29 Septembre 2016) ------------------------ o update pivotr from CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.02 (29 Septembre 2016) ------------------------ o replace dplyr::add_rownames() by tibble::rownames_to_column() CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.01 (29 Septembre 2016) ------------------------ o rm "id=" from navbarMenu - shiny update CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.0 (07 July 2016) ------------------------ o built vignette with knitr o modify whichGeneList(GeneListLabel) resolve difference between bioCancer server and package FIRST RELEASE o Package released o Omit R/code menu: request shinyAce (>=0.2.1) - Omit help_and_report function o Various issues request DT (>=0.1.39) - Omit Show Plot in Pivot sidebar menu - Can not download/Store correctly filtered table in Handle/View PERSPECTIVE o Release R 3.4 import(shiny, except= c("dataTableOutput", "renderDataTable")) o use DisGeNet server despite /extdata/disGeNet file (DONE Not Working) o clusterProfiler GMT file: o gene classification using rpart,ggplot2, ggtree: o Specify the range of mutation frequency in circos plot [Min, Max]