Changes in version 1.4.0: o Added clusterFDR() function to compute the FDR for clusters of DB windows. o Added checkBimodality() function to compute bimodality scores for regions. o Modified normalize(), asDGEList() to allow manual specification of library sizes. o Switched from normalizeCounts(), normalize() to S4 method normOffsets(). o Modified default parameter specification in strandedCounts(), to avoid errors. o Switched to warning from error when a restricted chromosome is specified in extractReads(). o Modified extractReads() interface with improved support for extended read and paired read extraction. o Added normalization options to filterWindows() when using control samples. o Fixed bug for proportional filtering in filterWindows(). o Allowed correlateReads() to accept paired-end specification when extracting data. o Added maximizeCcf() function to estimate the average fragment length. o Added support for strand-specific overlapping in detailRanges(). o Increased the fidelity of retained information in dumped BAM file from dumpPE(). o Modified strand specification arguments for profileSites(), allowed reporting of individual profiles. o Removed param= specification from wwhm(). o Switched to RangedSummarizedExperiment conventions for all relevant functions. o Switched to mapqFilter for scanBam() when filtering on mapping quality. o Added tests for previously untested functions. o Slight updates to documentation, user's guide. Changes in version 1.2.0: o Added getWidths(), scaledAverage() and filterWindows(), to facilitate comparison of abundances during filtering. o Added findMaxima() to identify locally maximal windows from range data. o Added profileSites() to examine the coverage profile around specified regions, with wwhm() to guess the ideal window size from the profile. o Changed default window width in windowCounts() to 50 bp, default filter to a fixed count of 10. Also, filter=0 is honored when bin=TRUE. o Switched from the depracated rowData to rowRanges for all manipulations of SummarizedExperiment. o Changed all instances of `pet' to `pe' in read parameter specification, and renamed getPETSizes() to getPESizes(). o Removed the redundant rescue.pairs parameter in readParam(). o Added parameter in readParam(), for fast paired-end data extraction. Added dumpPE() to pre-process paired-end BAM files for fast downstream extraction. o Added support for custom column specification in getBestTest(), combineTests(). o Switched from reporting average log-FC to numbers of up/down windows in combineTests(). o Allowed getBestTest() to return all fields associated with the best window in the output table. o Added upweightSummits() to compute weights favouring high-abundance windows. o Added combineOverlaps(), getBestOverlaps() and summitOverlaps() wrapper functions for processing of Hits objects. o Added consolidateSizes(), to consolidate DB results from multiple window sizes. o Added support for custom key/name specification in detailRanges() for non-human/mouse systems. o Added support for strand-specific read extraction in readParam(), strand-specific counting via strandedCounts(). o Added strand-awareness to mergeWindows(). Added protection against stranded input regions in extractReads(), detailRanges(). o Changed algorithm for splitting of large peaks in mergeWindows(). o Stored counting parameters in exptData for windowCounts(), regionCounts(). o Fixed small inaccuracies with continuity correction addition in normalizeCounts() for NB-loess. o Switched to fragment midpoint for binning of paired-end data in windowCounts(). o Added support for lists of library-specific readParam objects in windowCounts(), regionCounts(), correlateReads(). o Added makeExtVector(), to support variable read extension lengths between libraries in windowCounts(), regionCounts(). o Added support for read extension within extractReads(). o Updated the user's guide to reflect new and modified functions. o Added in inst/doc to reproducibly generate BAM files to run UG examples. o Cleaned up code in inst/tests for modified functions, added new tests for new functions. Changes in version 1.0.0: o New package csaw, for de novo detection of differential binding in ChIP-seq data.