## ----setup, message=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- library(FeatSeekR) library(DmelSGI) library(pheatmap) library(SummarizedExperiment) ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) # install.packages("BiocManager") # # BiocManager::install("FeatSeekR") ## ----simulate data------------------------------------------------------------ set.seed(111) # simulate data with 500 conditions, 3 replicates and 5 latent factors conditions <- 500 latent_factors <- 5 replicates <- 3 # simData generates 10 features per latent_factor, so choosing latent_factors=5 # will generate 50 features. # we simulate samples from 500 independent conditions per replicate. setting # conditions=500 and replicates=3 will generate 1500 samples, leading to # final data dimensions of 50 features x 1500 samples sim <- simData(conditions=conditions, n_latent_factors=latent_factors, replicates=replicates) # show that simulated data dimensions are indeed 50 x 1500 dim(assay(sim, "data")) # calculate the feature correlation for first replicate data <- t(assay(sim, "data")) cor <- cor(data, use = "pairwise.complete.obs") # plot a heatmap of the features and color features according to their # generating latent factors anno <- data.frame(Latent_factor = as.factor(rep(1:5, each=10))) rownames(anno) <- dimnames(sim)[[1]] colors <- c("red", "blue", "darkorange", "darkgreen", "black") names(colors) <- c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5") anno_colors <- list(Latent_factor = colors) range <- max(abs(cor)) pheatmap(cor, treeheight_row = 0 , treeheight_col = 0, show_rownames = FALSE, show_colnames = FALSE, breaks = seq(-range, range, length.out = 100), cellwidth = 6, cellheight = 6, annotation_col = anno, annotation_colors = anno_colors, fontsize = 8) ## ----plot top 5--------------------------------------------------------------- # select the top 5 features res <- FeatSeek(sim, max_features=5) # plot a heatmap of the top 5 selected features plotSelectedFeatures(res) ## ---- load_data--------------------------------------------------------------- # load data from DmelSGI package data("subSampleForStabilitySelection", package="DmelSGI") data <- subSampleForStabilitySelection$D # dimensions are conditions, features, replicates data <- aperm(data, c(1, 3, 2)) # set feature names dimnames(data)[[2]] <- subSampleForStabilitySelection$phenotype # bind samples and create condition factor conds <- rep(seq_len(dim(data)[1]), 2) data<- rbind(data[, , 1], data[, , 2]) # show final data dimensions dim(data) ## ----plot data---------------------------------------------------------------- # calculate correlation matrix of the first 50 features of one of the replicates cor_mat <- cor(data[, 1:50, drop=FALSE]) # plot correlation matrix, omitting featurenames pheatmap(cor_mat, show_rownames=FALSE, show_colnames=FALSE, treeheight_row=0, treeheight_col=0) ## ----select_features---------------------------------------------------------- # run FeatSeekR and rank up to 20 features based on their replicate # reproducibility and uniqueness max_features <- 30 res <- FeatSeek(t(data), conditions=conds, max_features=max_features, verbose=TRUE) ## ----inspect_selection-------------------------------------------------------- # plotVarianceExplained plots the fraction of explained variance per # additionally selected feature, ranked by FeatSeek. plotVarianceExplained(res) ## ----plot selection----------------------------------------------------------- # get number of features which explain at least 70% of the total variance n_feat <- min(which(rowData(res)$explained_variance > 0.7)) # plot the top n_feat features based on the ranking by FeatSeek plotSelectedFeatures(res, n_features=n_feat) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()