CHANGES IN VERSION 2.7.9 (2023/03/28) -------------------------------------- o Adapted documentation of readInput and FlowSOM. It can also use a matrix with column names CHANGES IN VERSION 2.7.8 (2023/03/23) -------------------------------------- o Added PlotOutliers and documentation CHANGES IN VERSION 2.7.7 (2023/02/09) -------------------------------------- o Updates to TestOutliers CHANGES IN VERSION 2.7.5 (2023/01/11) -------------------------------------- o Edited PlotManualBars so that it shows percentages of cells o Edited PlotDimRed so that it optionally uses scattermore if it installed CHANGES IN VERSION 2.7.4 (2023/01/05) -------------------------------------- o AggregateFlowFrames can now also resample if more cells are asked for than available in the fcs files. Default stays FALSE, taking at most the number of cells in the fcs file CHANGES IN VERSION 2.7.2 (2022/11/11) -------------------------------------- o Version bump to align with Bioconductor o Update for aggregateFlowFrames for nices handling of iterative aggregation (+ according visualisation in FlowSOMmary). AggregateFlowFrames will now introduce 0 values if a channel is not present in one of the fcs files. If channels is not provided as an argument, the channels of the first file are used. o Added support for abbrevations in PlotDimRed "colorBy". o Return 0 instead of NA in case of an empty cluster in GetCounts/GetPercentages CHANGES IN VERSION 2.5.6 (2022/07/29s) -------------------------------------- o Reversed PlotDimred back to scattermore instead of geom_hex. Uses geom_point if scattermore is not available. o Added support for custom colors and limits in PlotDimRed CHANGES IN VERSION 2.5.5 (2022/06/30) -------------------------------------- o AddAnnotation now works correctly after using UpdateMetaclusters. The function also works slightly different. See examples. o Fixed issue with wrong coloring in PlotDimRed CHANGES IN VERSION 2.5.4 (2022/06/29) -------------------------------------- o percentage_positives in GetFeatures now works with a FlowSOM with updated metacluster labels CHANGES IN VERSION 2.5.3 (2022/06/16) -------------------------------------- o Bugfix in GetChannels CHANGES IN VERSION 2.5.2 (2022/05/13) -------------------------------------- o Bugfixes to pass BioConductor check o Bugfixes in Plot2DScatters: when ggpointdensity is not installed, normal ggplot colors are used o ParseNodeSize is now exported CHANGES IN VERSION 2.5.1 (2022/05/06) -------------------------------------- o Version bump to get the same version as on BioConductor o Changed yMargin parameter in PlotFileScatters to yLim for consistency o Added possibility to use abbrevations in GetFeatures, GetCounts, GetPercentages, PlotFileScatters, PlotDimRed, ParseQuery, Plot2DScatters and PlotNumbers o Moved UpdateFlowSOM to 0_FlowSOM.R o Changed examples in PlotFlowSOM, PlotVariable and PlotStars o Fixed issues from check: deleted examples with GetFlowJoLabels and used a csv instead, changed geom_scattermore to geom_hex for less dependencies. Moved packages to Suggest instead of Import. o ParseNodeSize is now exported CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.38 (2022/02/24) -------------------------------------- o Added possibility to provide a seed when using metaClustering_hclust, metaClustering_kmeans or metaClustering_som CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.37 (2022/02/22) -------------------------------------- o Added possibility to provide additional arguments to the read.FCS function in SaveClustersToFCS() function o PlotFileScatters now accepts other File ID columns, not anymore stricted to "File" CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.36 (2022/01/13) -------------------------------------- o Added a warning when using "backgroundColor" instead of "backgroundColors" in PlotStars o Clusters centers in Plot2DScatters is now colored the same as the cluster cells when using manual colors CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.35 (2022/01/13) -------------------------------------- o Added a warning in UpdateDerivedValue when using FlowSOM on an FCS with NA value CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.34 (2021/12/14) -------------------------------------- o Happy Holidays! o Edited documentation of Plot2DScatters ("indices of clusters/metaclusters") o Outlier counts are also returned as attributes when extracting percentages with GetFeatures CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.33 (2021/10/27) -------------------------------------- o Title of Plot2DScatters now gives all the (meta)clusters instead of just one o Added warning when wrong manual colors are used in Plot2DScatters o Added the ability to use markers and/or channels in Plot2DScatters o Added GetClusterPercentagesPositives and GetMetaclusterPercentagesPositives to FlowSOM CheatSheet o Edited text from GetFeatures on cheatsheet CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.32 (2021/10/22) -------------------------------------- o Add marker outliers in TestOUtliers function o Add mad calculation in UpdateDerivedValues function CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.31 (2021/10/05) -------------------------------------- o In NewData, the new FlowSOM object gets prettyColnames from the old one CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.30 (2021/10/04) -------------------------------------- o GetFeatures can now return % of positive cells per channel for each cluster or metacluster, see parameters type and positives_cutoff o New exported function GetClusterPercentagesPositive o New exported function GetMetaclusterPercentagesPositive CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.29 (2021/07/30) -------------------------------------- o Update documentation CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.28 (2021/07/30) -------------------------------------- o Added height and width parameter to PlotFileScatters o Fixed bug in PlotFileScatters CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.27 (2021/07/27) -------------------------------------- o Fixed typos and more consistent spelling CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.26 (2021/07/13) -------------------------------------- o Adapted GetMetaclusterCVs function so that it works after using UpdateMetaclusters o Fixed typos CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.25 (2021/07/09) -------------------------------------- o Adapted PlotManualBars function so that it works after using UpdateMetaclusters CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.24 (2021/07/02) -------------------------------------- o Added UpdateMetaclusters function, removed RelabelMetaclusters, ReassignMetaclusters and Reordermetaclusters functions. o Updated CheatSheet o Added code from UpdateDerivedValues for metaclustersMFIs to UpdateFlowSOM CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.23 (2021/06/30) -------------------------------------- o Added checkNames = FALSE in MetaclusterMFIs CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.22 (2021/06/30) -------------------------------------- o Reordered code in UpdateDerivedValues, RelabelMetaclusters, ReorderMetaclusters and ReassignMetaclusters. CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.21 (2021/06/15) -------------------------------------- o Added ReorderMetaclusters, to reorder the metacluster levels. CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.20 (2021/06/07) -------------------------------------- o Updated PlotManualBars, Plot2DScatters and FlowSOMmary so that it works with relabeled metaclusters. CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.19 (2021/05/21) -------------------------------------- o AggregateFlowFrames accepts channels and markers o AggregateFlowFrames now gives a warning when files do not contain the same number of channels o AggregateFlowFrames now gives warnings when files do not contain the same markers o Bugfix in AggregateFlowFrames now works when one channel is given o Bugfix in PlotFileScatters now works when one channel is given o Added silent parameter in PlotFileScatters to stop messages o PlotFileScatters supports channels and markers now o Add info to FlowSOM object: date when flowSOM object is made, FlowSOM verion and arguments given to FlowSOM call o Fixed bug in PlotManualBars o Added silent parameter in NewData. GetFeatures' silent parameter now also surpresses message from NewData (more concrete: ReadInput) CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.17 (2021/04/16) -------------------------------------- o Added ReassignMetaclusters, to rename or split metaclusters o Fixed issue where a lot of warnings were printed in FlowSOMmary o PlotFilescatters now makes filenames unique if they are not and the function now works with output of AggregateFlowFrames CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.16 (2021/04/13) -------------------------------------- o PlotManualBars allows input of NewData function CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.15 (2021/04/13) -------------------------------------- o Fixed warnings with ggtexttable in FlowSOMmary CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.13 (2021/04/06) -------------------------------------- o Added RelabelMetaclusters o PlotFileScatters now has a parameter to change the y-axis label to markers and/or channels (yLabel) o Now TRUE/FALSE vector is accepted as input in GetMarkers/GetChannels CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.11 (2021/03/03) -------------------------------------- o Added example to AddAnnotation o Added example to NClusters, NMetaclusters o Changed examples that used fsom to flowSOM.res o Added textColor and textSize to AddLabels and PlotNumbers, PlotLabels o PlotNumbers can plot clusters and metaclusters with parameter "level" o In GetFeatures, the population parameter is changed to level o Added GetCounts and GetPercentages to get counts or percentages respectively per cluster or metacluster o FlowSOMmary doesn't crash anymore with a column with the same values in heatmap o Included a print function for FlowSOM class o Fixed bug in PlotManualBars o PlotMarker also accept multiple markers now CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.8 (2020/11/19) -------------------------------------- o Solved issue when matrix with no column was given to the SOM function CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.5 (2020/11/19) -------------------------------------- o Scale parameter in FlowSOM function defaults to FALSE. o FlowSOM wrapper function now returns the FlowSOM object instead of a list containing the FlowSOM object and a metaclustering o The metaclustering is now found as an element in the flowSOM object. Also the number of metaclusters and the MFI values are stored and can be accessed by the NMetaclusters() and GetMetaclusterMFIs() functions. o If you want to reuse FlowSOM objects generated by previous versions, you can use the UpdateFlowSOM function. o FlowSOM now uses nClus = 10 as default instead of maxMeta = 10 o FlowSOM now makes use of ggplot2 for plotting. PlotFlowSOM provides the main structure, and has parameters to adapt nodeSize, view (grid, MST or some own layout matrix), ... PlotStars etc build on this by adding additional layers to the ggplot object. This also allows to easily incorporate multiple plots in all layout-tools such as ggarrange, cowplot, patchwork, ... o GetChannels/GetMarkers can now also take a FlowSOM object as input instead of a flowFrame. New functions: o To easily generate a clear summary of the model with multiple plots, you can now use the FlowSOMmary function, which creates a pdf file. o GetFeatures allows to map new files (internally using the NewData function) and can return cluster counts, percentages and MFI values for each individual sample. o PlotFileScatters can be useful to get an overview of potential batch effects before running the FlowSOM algorithm CHANGES IN VERSION 1.15.5 (2019/06/11) -------------------------------------- o Removed dependency on flowUtils, replaced by flowWorkspace. This also included a filename change of lymphocytes.fcs to 68983.fcs o Included CHANGES IN VERSION 1.15.4 (2019/05/17) -------------------------------------- o Fix bug when aggregating files with different column orders o Fix bug in PlotNode which failed when there were any clusters with no cells assigned. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.15.3 (2019/04/08) -------------------------------------- o Fix bug when mapping an fcs file with different columns (eg. no "File" columns as in the aggregated file used for training) o Allow multiple repeated aggregations with the AggregateFlowframe function CHANGES IN VERSION 1.13.11 (2018/09/26) -------------------------------------- o The ReadInput function can now also take a matrix as input. o Made input of the NewData function more general (can now take any input of the ReadInput function). o Included a TestOutliers function which checks the average distance of the cells to the cluster centers (using the median and MAD measures) and returns how many cells seem to be further then expected from the cluster center. o Fixed the bug that only the first file-specific compensation matrix was taken into account in the ReadInput function. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.13.10 (2018/09/18) -------------------------------------- Add rownames to the MFI results CHANGES IN VERSION 1.13.9 (2018/09/13) -------------------------------------- Added a keepOrder parameter to the AggregateFlowFrames function. If TRUE, the cells of the random subsample will be ordered in the same way as they were originally ordered in the file. Default = FALSE for backwards compatability. This will be especially useful if the whole file is selected in the subsample, in which case indices keep corresponding to the original ones. Also included the bugfix by Stu Blair to propagate the main parameter of the plotnumbers function to igraph. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.13.8 (2018/08/29) -------------------------------------- o added get_markers and get_channels functions for easier access o added PlotOverview2D function, which gives an overview of multiple PlotCluster2D plots. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.13.7 (2018/08/23) -------------------------------------- o Background circles scale with the actual node size o Possible to choose at which level warnings for bad mappings to cluster are generated (mean + x * sd), default changed from 3 to 4 o If more than 10 background values, split legend in multiple columns CHANGES IN VERSION 1.13.6 (2018/08/21) -------------------------------------- o Transposed the metaclusterMFI result!! CHANGES IN VERSION 1.13.2 (2018/08/20) -------------------------------------- o Added a MetaclusterCVs function to get coefficient of variation for the metaclusters CHANGES IN VERSION 1.13.1 (2018/04/09) -------------------------------------- o Added a warning when cells mapped with the NewData function seem further away from their cluster center then normal CHANGES IN VERSION 1.10.3 (2018/04/09) -------------------------------------- o Bugfix in PlotGroups CHANGES IN VERSION 1.10.1 (2017/01/03) -------------------------------------- o Updates to the PlotGroups function: - Changed the default from fold change (tresh) to p-value (p_tresh) - Make use of adjusted p-values o Added a check on the input format of the codes parameter in the SOM function CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.0 (2015/07/06) -------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Cleaned up some code CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.4 (2015/03/17) -------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Extra functionality to differentiate between groups of samples CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.0 (2014/10/15) -------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES o First version of the package