## ----load_packages, echo=TRUE, message=FALSE----------------------------- library(irlba) library(iasva) library(sva) library(Rtsne) library(pheatmap) library(corrplot) library(DescTools) library(RColorBrewer) library(SummarizedExperiment) set.seed(100) color.vec <- brewer.pal(3, "Set1") ## ----load_data, echo=TRUE------------------------------------------------ counts_file <- system.file("extdata", "iasva_counts_test.Rds", package = "iasva") # matrix of read counts where genes are rows, samples are columns counts <- readRDS(counts_file) # matrix of sample annotations/metadata anns_file <- system.file("extdata", "iasva_anns_test.Rds", package = "iasva") anns <- readRDS(anns_file) ## ----geno_lib_size, echo=TRUE, fig.width=7, fig.height=4----------------- geo_lib_size <- colSums(log(counts + 1)) barplot(geo_lib_size, xlab = "Cell", ylab = "Geometric Lib Size", las = 2) lcounts <- log(counts + 1) # PC1 and Geometric library size correlation pc1 <- irlba(lcounts - rowMeans(lcounts), 1)$v[, 1] cor(geo_lib_size, pc1) ## ----run_iasva, echo=TRUE, fig.width= 7, fig.height=6-------------------- set.seed(100) patient_id <- anns$Patient_ID mod <- model.matrix(~patient_id + geo_lib_size) # create a summarizedexperiment class summ_exp <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = counts) iasva.res<- iasva(summ_exp, mod[, -1],verbose = FALSE, permute = FALSE, num.sv = 5) iasva.sv <- iasva.res$sv plot(iasva.sv[, 1], iasva.sv[, 2], xlab = "SV1", ylab = "SV2") cell_type <- as.factor(iasva.sv[, 1] > -0.1) levels(cell_type) <- c("Cell1", "Cell2") table(cell_type) # We identified 6 outlier cells based on SV1 that are marked in red pairs(iasva.sv, main = "IA-SVA", pch = 21, col = color.vec[cell_type], bg = color.vec[cell_type], oma = c(4,4,6,12)) legend("right", levels(cell_type), fill = color.vec, bty = "n") plot(iasva.sv[, 1:2], main = "IA-SVA", pch = 21, xlab = "SV1", ylab = "SV2", col = color.vec[cell_type], bg = color.vec[cell_type]) cor(geo_lib_size, iasva.sv[, 1]) corrplot(cor(iasva.sv)) ## ----find_markers, echo=TRUE, fig.width=7, fig.height=14----------------- marker.counts <- find_markers(summ_exp, as.matrix(iasva.sv[,1])) nrow(marker.counts) rownames(marker.counts) anno.col <- data.frame(cell_type = cell_type) rownames(anno.col) <- colnames(marker.counts) head(anno.col) pheatmap(log(marker.counts + 1), show_colnames = FALSE, clustering_method = "ward.D2", cutree_cols = 2, annotation_col = anno.col) ## ----run_tsne, echo=TRUE, fig.width=7, fig.height=7---------------------- set.seed(100) tsne.res <- Rtsne(t(lcounts), dims = 2) plot(tsne.res$Y, main = "tSNE", xlab = "tSNE Dim1", ylab = "tSNE Dim2", pch = 21, col = color.vec[cell_type], bg = color.vec[cell_type], oma = c(4, 4, 6, 12)) legend("bottomright", levels(cell_type), fill = color.vec, bty = "n") ## ----run_tsne_post_iasva, echo=TRUE, fig.width=7, fig.height=7----------- set.seed(100) tsne.res <- Rtsne(unique(t(log(marker.counts + 1))), dims = 2) plot(tsne.res$Y, main = "tSNE post IA-SVA", xlab = "tSNE Dim1", ylab = "tSNE Dim2", pch = 21, col = color.vec[cell_type], bg = color.vec[cell_type], oma = c(4, 4, 6, 12)) legend("bottomright", levels(cell_type), fill = color.vec, bty = "n") ## ----fast_iasva, echo=TRUE----------------------------------------------- iasva.res <- fast_iasva(summ_exp, mod[, -1], num.sv = 5) ## ----study_r2, echo=TRUE, fig.width=7, fig.height=7---------------------- study_res <- study_R2(summ_exp, iasva.sv) ## ----session_info, echo=TRUE--------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()