## ---- echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ knitr::opts_chunk$set( eval=FALSE ) ## ----library------------------------------------------------------------------ # library(artMS) ## ---- eval = TRUE------------------------------------------------------------- library(artMS) artmsWriteConfigYamlFile(config_file_name = "config.yaml", verbose = FALSE) ## ---- eval = TRUE------------------------------------------------------------- # But for illustration purposes printing only INTDIST plot: library(artMS) suppressWarnings( artmsQualityControlEvidenceBasic(evidence_file = artms_data_ph_evidence, keys_file = artms_data_ph_keys, prot_exp = "PH", plotINTDIST = TRUE, plotREPRO = FALSE, plotCORMAT = FALSE, plotINTMISC = FALSE, plotPTMSTATS = FALSE, printPDF = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # # This example adds annotations to the evidence file available in # # artMS, based on the column 'Proteins'. # # evidence_anno <- artmsAnnotationUniprot(x = artms_data_ph_evidence, # columnid = 'Proteins', # species = 'human') ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # artms_data_ph_evidence <- artmsChangeColumnName( # dataset = artms_data_ph_evidence, # oldname = "Phospho..STY.", # newname = "PH_STY") ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # # The data must be annotated (Protein and Gene columns) # data_annotated <- artmsAnnotationUniprot( # x = artms_data_ph_msstats_results, # columnid = "Protein", # species = "human") # # And then the enrichment # enrich_set <- artmsEnrichLog2fc( # dataset = data_annotated, # species = "human", # background = unique(data_annotated$Gene), # verbose = FALSE) ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # # annotate the MSstats results to get the Gene name # data_annotated <- artmsAnnotationUniprot( # x = artms_data_ph_msstats_results, # columnid = "Protein", # species = "human") # # # Filter the list of genes with a log2fc > 2 # filtered_data <- # unique(data_annotated$Gene[which(data_annotated$log2FC > 2)]) # # # And perform enrichment analysis # data_annotated_enrich <- artmsEnrichProfiler( # x = filtered_data, # categorySource = c('KEGG'), # species = "hsapiens", # background = unique(data_annotated$Gene))