## ----style-knitr, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, results="asis"-------------------- BiocStyle::latex(relative.path = TRUE) ## ----knitr, echo=FALSE, results="hide"------------------------------------- library("knitr") opts_chunk$set( tidy=FALSE, dev="png", fig.show="hide", # fig.width=4, fig.height=4.5, fig.width=10, fig.height=8, fig.pos="tbh", cache=TRUE, message=FALSE) ## ----chu_1, warning=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- library(MLSeq) library(DaMiRseq) library(GARS) # load dataset filepath <- system.file("extdata/cervical.txt", package = "MLSeq") cervical <- read.table(filepath, header=TRUE) # replace "wild-card" characters with other characters rownames(cervical) <- gsub("*", "x", rownames(cervical), fixed = TRUE) rownames(cervical) <- gsub("-", "_", rownames(cervical), fixed = TRUE) # create the "class" vector class_vector <- data.frame(gsub('[0-9]+', '', colnames(cervical))) colnames(class_vector) <- "class" rownames(class_vector) <- colnames(cervical) # create a Summarized Experiment object SE_obj <- DaMiR.makeSE(cervical, class_vector) # filter and normalize the dataset datanorm <- DaMiR.normalization(SE_obj) ## ----chu_2, dev="pdf"------------------------------------------------------ set.seed(123) res_GA <- GARS_GA(data=datanorm, classes = colData(datanorm), chr.num = 100, chr.len = 8, generat = 20, co.rate = 0.8, mut.rate = 0.1, n.elit = 10, type.sel = "RW", type.co = "one.p", type.one.p.co = "II.quart", n.gen.conv = 150, plots="no", verbose="yes") ## ----chu_2_bis, dev="pdf"-------------------------------------------------- # Plot Fitness Evolution fitness_scores <- FitScore(res_GA) GARS_PlotFitnessEvolution(fitness_scores) #Plot the frequency of each features over the generations Allfeat_names <- rownames(datanorm) Allpopulations <- AllPop(res_GA) GARS_PlotFeaturesUsage(Allpopulations, Allfeat_names, nFeat = 10) ## ----chu_3, dev="pdf"------------------------------------------------------ # expression data of selected features data_reduced_GARS <- MatrixFeatures(res_GA) # Classification data_reduced_DaMiR <- as.data.frame(data_reduced_GARS) classes_DaMiR <- as.data.frame(colData(datanorm)) colnames(classes_DaMiR) <- "class" rownames(classes_DaMiR) <- rownames(data_reduced_DaMiR) DaMiR.MDSplot(data_reduced_DaMiR,classes_DaMiR) DaMiR.Clustplot(data_reduced_DaMiR,classes_DaMiR) set.seed(12345) Classification.res <- DaMiR.EnsembleLearning(data_reduced_DaMiR, classes_DaMiR$class, iter=5) ## ----chu_4, dev="pdf"------------------------------------------------------ populs <- list() k=1 for (ik in c(7,8,9)){ set.seed(1) cat(ik, "features","\n") populs[[k]] <- GARS_GA(data=datanorm, classes = colData(datanorm), chr.num = 100, chr.len = ik, generat = 20, co.rate = 0.8, mut.rate = 0.1, n.elit = 10, type.sel = "RW", type.co = "one.p", type.one.p.co = "II.quart", n.gen.conv = 150, plots = "no", verbose="no") k <- k +1 } # find the maximum fitness for each case max_fit <- 0 for (i in seq_len(length(populs))){ max_fit[i] <- max(FitScore(populs[[i]])) } max_fit best_popul <- populs[[which(max_fit == max(max_fit))]] # number of features (best solution) dim(MatrixFeatures(best_popul))[2] ## ----sessInfo, results="asis", echo=FALSE---------------------------------- toLatex(sessionInfo())