CHANGES IN VERSION 1.9.8 ------------------------ USER VISIBLE CHANGES o makeCurrentGwascat has new arguments, useHg38seqinfo and altseqinfo. These address the fact that the textual version of the catalog served by NHGRI has hg38 addresses. Two snapshots of the data are available, created Sept 8 2014, one direct in hg38 (gwrngs38 in data) and the other by liftOver to hg19 addresses (gwrngs19) CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.6 ------------------------ USER VISIBLE CHANGES o bindcadd_snv has been added to bind CADD scores of Kircher et al. 2014 for SNVs to any GRanges query CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.1 ------------------------ USER VISIBLE CHANGES o gwrngs is now serialized and explicitly made available in global workspace on attachment o gwcat data.frame is not generated on attachment CHANGES PRIOR TO VERSION 1.7.1 ------------------------------ o May 30 2012 -- improve makeCurrentGwascat to handle chrX and p.Value suitably